Gamers Warehouse iPhones

The Future of Texting is Here: iPhone Emoji Keyboard.

You’re typing away, preparing a text for a special someone and wondering how to convey your love. Suddenly, you have it—the “heart eyes” emoji! Texting has become an inseparable part of human life. It’s also a major driving force behind the phenomenon that is emojis. Recently, has added another dimension to this with the iPhone emoji keyboard. This latest addition has definitely set a benchmark and induced a positive wave of changes, making texting more enjoyable and user-friendly. Before we dive into the details, let’s take a look at some analytics.

Emoji Statistics

According to the Unicode Standard, there are 3,019 approved emojis as of April 2019. The list includes human emotions, animals, skin tones, flags, and loads of expressions which mark an important presence in texting:

  • Over 5 billion emojis are exchanged daily through Facebook Messenger.
  • The maximum use of emojis occurs on New Year’s Eve.
  • According to Apple“face with tears of joy” is the most popular emoji on iOS, followed by “heart,” “crying face,” and “heart eyes face.”

If you’re an iPhone owner and want to unlock the emoji keyboard, we’ll show you what to do.

Activating the iPhone Emoji Keyboard

This is a simple process. Just grab your iPhone and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the settings app.
  2. Tap general and select keyboards.
  3. Tap new keyboards and select ‘emoji’ option.
  4. This adds it to the already existing list of keyboards for easy access.

Activating the iPhone emoji keyboard

If you’re wondering how to access it, the process is simple:

  1. Click on the text input box. The default keyboard option will pop up in view.
  2. Tap on the key which shows the “smiley face” or “globe icon” to see the list of available keyboards.iPhone emoji keyboard
  3. Select the emoji keyboard option and start sending those fascinating faces to your buddies and loved ones.

iPhone emoji keyboard

At this point, you’re equipped to ace the game of texting.

Emojis allow user to convey emotions without requiring physical presence. There is a huge variety of emojis to choose from, each with its own meaning and nuances.

The Meaning Behind Popular Emojis

There are thousands of emojis which are constantly being used to convey different emotions. We’ve covered the most popular ones below:

1) Face with tears of joy

This is a top favorite. No matter what you’re up to, this emoji is bound to induce a smile. If someone cracks a hilarious joke, this is your go-to emoji.

2) Heart eyes

This emoji conveys the emotions you feel when you see something beautiful or awe-inspiring. The “heart eyes” emoji also conveys affection and love when you use it.

3) Smiling faces

Whether you’re signaling a smile or simple grin, the collection of smiley faces makes the job easier. This includes “blushy face,” “smiley with open mouth and grinning,” and “smiley with open mouth and closed eyes.”

4) Smiley with sunglasses

For all the cool people, this emoji must be a top favorite.

5) Flirty faces

“Winking face,” “smirking face” and “faces with tongues hanging out” are popular when it comes to flirty conversations.

Adding More Emojis to Your iPhone

Despite having some many emojis at your fingertips, you might find yourself becoming bored using the same ones again and again. While the iPhone emoji keyboard makes it easy to add emojis to any conversation, you may want to add some extras to your repertoire. You can do this with a third-party keyboard, like SwiftKey. This is one of the most popular keyboards for iOS and Android users alike. It’s loaded with many features to improve its usability. If your concern is specifically emojis, Swiftmoji is the keyboard to get your hands on. The reason? Its prediction feature! This shows emojis based on the words you type after analyzing the situation you’re trying to describe.

You may have also heard about another option called jailbreaking. While this method will enable you to add more emojis to your iPhone, it presents security risks. If you go this route, you may find yourself needing iPhone repairs!

Adding Custom Emojis to Your iPhone

The best thing about customization is that it allows you to create designs based on your choices and preferences. It gives you a free hand to experiment and explore new possibilities. If you’re ready to get creative with your emojis, an iPhone emojis app is your best bet. Here are some apps you should consider:

Emoji Maker

Emoji Maker is a free app that lets you turn pictures directly into emojis. Use pictures of yourself to show exactly how you are feeling!


Keymoji is a keyboard app which replaces words with emojis. Whatever you type is recreated with matching emojis, which can be used in your conversations. Moreover, it also includes explanations to ensure you have a complete understanding of the emojis you’re using.


The Bitmoji app allows you to create an animated version of yourself to spice up your conversations. It’s easy to use, and you can experiment with the designs to constantly create new emojis.

With an increasing online presence, texting is sure to rise in the future. Apple is heavily expanding its technological expertise with an aim to make the conversations more communicative and receptive.

Final Words

Emojis have emerged as a positive change in the way we communicate. Linguist Neil Cohn predicts that emojis may be a viable language in future. This might be surprising, but the current trend signals the same. Constant design changes are expected to bring innovative advances to the way Apple designs its phones and user experience.

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